Monday, July 9, 2007

Full-screen mode

OneTrip will now fake a "full-screen" mode, i.e. it will disappear the address bar. This gives you more room for more items in your list, and it makes OneTrip look more like a real, all-grown-up iPhone application.

The address bar is still there at the top, just a flick away if you need it.


Unknown said...

I used onetrip today for my shopping and I must say its really good for initial version. I loved the look and feel and ease of use of the app. I do have some suggestions for the future releases

1) Is there anyway the shopping list can be sorted automatically by categories if I add some new items to my existing list? Reason is today I had to add few food items and I have to scroll up and down to shop since I had some food items on top and then the ones I added on the bottom.

2) This is also kinda sort feature but about things that I have checked off. Again it would be nice if we have that so that way half way into my shopping, I can display the remaining ones on top and finished ones on bottom.

3) To add on to above request, may be an option to display remaining items only, all items and finished items.

Great work and for the first time, I didn't forget anything during shopping. :-)

Mitch said...


have to agree with some others (ok, i think one guy posted it... i want to be able to use a login and be able to update my list from the web. i sit in front of my computer 12 hours a day and it is my primary machine, not the iphone... being able to use the web to update while i sit in front of the computer would rock :)

logging in would also hopefully allow me to customize the shopping list permanently... example... we buy 3 different kinds of milk in our family (yes we're weird) - my wife likes 'silk' - i'm lactose intolerant and buy something called 'vitamite' and my kids drink 2%... and so we need to be able (on our own personal list) be able to specify which of the 3 need to be bought at that trip... same goes for other items.

i agree with francis here too - would be good if the list could resort after things are checked off.

i also agree with an earlier poster (on another comment) that it would be wonderful if this wasn't just a shopping list but a todo list as well.

anyway, thanks for the effort! Your implementation beats the pants off of the other shopping lists i've seen.

Mitch said...

ok, never mind about the todo list comment - just found and they've just released an iphone version that works like a charm.

Anonymous said...

How did you hide the address bar, a scroollto or some other javascript function?

Jason said...

Amazing app, i love it. I purchase my first iphone tomorrow and am glad things like this exist for it. Keep up the good work!