Thursday, February 21, 2008

Quip is back as well

In the recent serve move, Quip's database of quotes got lost. I've just restored it so you should be able to get your daily dose of wit at

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A New Hope is now hosted on a server of my own. Apologies about the spotty uptime these past few days - I only play a server admin on TV.

Hopefully this move should give us better reliability and allow me to ponder new ways to improve OneTrip. Since I'm now responsible for the server, I've added a small ad on the bottom of the OneTrip app. This should help offset the cost of hosting and maintaining the application.

The SDK is almost here (we all hope) so I should have some exciting news for you soon. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Server down... again

OneTrip and my other non-client apps are hosted by a very gracious host who offered help in a time of need, when my server was getting hammered as iPhone frenzy grew frenzier. I am very grateful to them for their service, but I think it's time I moved the apps to my own server.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not bitter or anything. I'd just prefer it if it was my fat fingers that were crashing the server if it ever did crash. I've started moving the apps to a new server today, following another period of unavailability. Expect some blackout time as DNS's catch up etc.

Sorry, everyone. For a short while, It's back to pen and paper when you go to the store.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Server issues (now resolved)

The server issue we had a few days ago has been fixed; again, sorry about the downtime. Your shopping lists should be safe (since they get stored on your iPhone/iPod touch).

Monday, February 4, 2008

Server down, will be back up shortly

The server which hosts OneTrip and my other iPhone web apps failed today. I'm moving all the apps to a server of my own as I type this. Sorry about this - it'll be sorted out as quickly as possible.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Wii web apps

Like many American households, we've been trying to score a Nintendo Wii for a while. Finally the craigslist fairy brought us one the other day, and like every self-respecting geek, I spent most of that day checking out everything in the software other than the games. The Opera browser (Internet Channel, available for 5000 points/$5 in the WiiWare store) immediately grabbed my attention. It takes only a few minutes of use to see that it faces a lot of the same problems as iPhone: a fairly small screen, limited function set, and a need for creative zooming. It solves most of these quite well - I wouldn't sit on my sofa and peruse Wikipedia for too long, but for updates in Google Reader, it's great.

Another thing that's great on it - iPhone web apps. Most of the ones I've checked out work great. Have a look at mine - pull up on your Wii. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.