Friday, June 29, 2007


I just tested OneTrip and Quip on my iPhone and they work perfectly. I couldn't be happier with the performance. It's amazing.

Apple underpromised on the iPhone, people.


Black Frog said...

I just tried it on my iPhone and the quote doesn't load.

Anonymous said...

So now we can expect a real world try-out in the supermarket ? With photos please?

Anonymous said...

my friend smash wrote a good piece.
he's not to happy.

Unknown said...

Hey Neven. I just tried this out also and was blown away by how it worked perfectly. Thanks for doing this, and hopefully you'll create some more Apps that I can take advantage of :)


Oskar said...

very well thought-out ui and interaction design on your two apps. can't wait to try them out on my iPhone... in december ;)

MF said...

so what happened to all the cute transition animations you had before?

great app btw

Jonathan Stark said...

Hi Nevin - Great job on the apps! Would be be so kind as to share your CSS trials and tribulations? Personally, I am finding that no matter what I my pages are zoomed way out at load time. How do you get yours to be full size? Thanks - jonathan stark

Unknown said...

I noticed that as I check off items, some things in the list swap spaces every time, eg Apples and Bananas will swap each other every time I check an item off.

Unknown said...

I think you're on the right track Neven. I've had the iPhone for a day now, and this is the first app that feels right.

An idea... If every household had a wi-fi enabled bar code scanner in the kitchen (<$50) with a PLU input pad, you'd scan or enter items as you use them. You'd build your shopping list throughout the week. Recipes would include bar codes for brand name items. The grocery industry could develop standards for items that are not branded (ground beef, fresh tortillas, etc.). You can compare prices between stores before leaving your home.

Anyway, you see where this is going. And you're app could be on the back end of this.

Nice work.

vertseven said...

It looks and works great on my iPhone. I created my shopping list, then realized that I already did my shopping while waiting the the activation to complete.

David Garozzo said...

Think you can expand on this and not limit it to a "Grocery Shopping List"? Instead, make it a "To Do" list! Basically, go up one level, and make the top level a list that includes "Groceries", "Chores", etc. Keep what you have under "Groceries", and then add the ability to add more categories and (optional) sub-categories.

Mojo said...

Hi there, your apps look great!

I just created a simple web based iPhone application simulator based on the iPhoney UI. Take a Look.

Might be good for testing.

Anonymous said...

hey neven,

i personally think that your application is incredibly well designed, an that it is a great model for future iphone web apps.

however, i agree with mf in that the transition animations were one of the biggest reasons that this app caught my eye. i know that the animations worked, because i tested similar code which i wrote on safari, firefox, and IE, and it worked on all three platforms. i personally enjoyed the transitions between pages; they made it look more "apple."

i thank you for the code, though; i'll be sure to implement it into my web apps. i had developed a similar function in flash, but seeing as there is no flash player for iphone, it doesn't do me much good in this instance xD.

thanks again, neven!

Jason Campbell said...

love the shopping list, would love for 2.0 to have user login so my wife can make the list on her computer and I can get to it on my phone.