Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ok, this time it's REALLY rewritten

Brand new, reimagined, rebuilt OneTrip. Should work in Firefox (save for one minor bug). Many thanks to everyone who sent in feedback and suggestions.

Here it is.


George Wiel said...

Nice job on the rewrite!

Wondering why you removed the sliding animation -- it was so iPhone UI-like. Was it a technical or aesthetic consideration? Or, a result of making it more non-iPhone browser compatible?

The Casserole said...

The sliding may be back - right now, I'm unsure how iPhone will handle it. There's a slight chance that it might zoom/scale to fit the new content; I'm just staying on the safe side until I have an iPhone to test it on.

I agree, it should be there!

Fat Bobby said...

The sliding animation was great! One of the reasons I enjoyed OneTrip. It reminded me of "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" from the movie (which by the way would be a great iPhone webapp if connected to a good source such as Wikipedia).

So, please bring back the slide!

The Casserole said...

If it works well on iPhone, I'll bring it back. I'd rather have the app usable but slideless, though.

Daniel said...

So - how do you save state in this app?

I haven't looked at the source - but with these web apps, I'll want to create list - drive to the store - look up something on the web while I drive -

Then, at the store, open the list up again to actually shop...

Does your app consider that scenario?
