Some quick OneTrip stats
OneTrip got dugg three days ago and I've had to move to a generously offered new server since. Between the two servers, I just crossed the 1.5 million mark for hits. That's... yowza.
Unless a number of people with nothing better to do are faking their user agent strings, OneTrip has been browsed on iPhones in Cupertino, San Francisco, New Jersey, Amsterdam, and Japan.
Just sayin'.
Simple feature suggestion - after you have the list defined, let the user cross off items they may have acquired via greying the item out by touching it.
Then, if there was a simple sort routine to move greyed out items to the bottom of the list, it would help that much more...
Question: But how will I get my hands on OneTrip once I have my phone (and yes, I'll be in line on the 29th!)
I can't find anywhere to download the OneTrip iPhone app.
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